How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

Although the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) already declared that zombies do not exist, it doesn't get hurt to be prepared in case the worst and the unexpected zombie apocalypse happens.

Prepare Your Zombie Survival Kit.
Believe it or not, some entrepreneurs are already cashing in on the possibility of zombie attacks. There are now so called zombie survival kits that you can buy so you can arm yourself for survival. Zombie survival packs priced at around $100 already contain basic zombie survival tools and gears.

If you find the commercial kits too expensive, why not prepare your own zombie survival kit? You can pack up survival knives, flashlights, goggles and masks. You might use these to arm and protect yourself in case zombie apocalyptic attacks happen. You should also stock enough non perishable food that can last up to three days. You also have to set aside enough water for your consumption.

Finding Safe Shelter
Start looking around for possible relocation sites where you can possibly live safely away from the zombies. If you are watching the TV show Living Dead, you might have learned a lesson or two on finding safe shelters. Make sure that you buy easy to carry along tent and basic necessities for you and your family.

What do you do to prepare yourself in case the living dead becomes a reality?


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